Lazy weekends

I’ve spent the weekend doing… absolutely nothing. The past week has been so busy that it’s nice to just lay in bed and do nothing. Got the laptop about where I want it, I think; could have spent some time working out the CSS issues with the site, but didn’t even feel like straining my brain that much. Next week, and the week after, I’ll be in Forsyth attending Defensive Tactics Instructor class. Not really looking forward to that… not so much the class as driving to Forsyth and staying away from home for two weeks. That, and getting my butt kicked; the class is supposed to be physically intensive, and I’m not exactly the world’s most physical guy.

The tactical team seems to be in death-spiral. Early this year, after my promotion, I was told I would be team leader, with my Captain as team commander. I was supposed to run the day-to-day while he attended to the big picture. Then we were told we couldn’t get overtime for training, and the Captain became more of an absentee landlord, and interest in the team has been waning. Top it off with the creation of a “HEAT Unit”, an intensive-patrol kind of targeted enforcement unit that will be doing a lot of the things that the tactical unit was supposed to do, and morale dropped. I find myself with little time to attend to the tactical team, and was told last week that I’m supposed to run the HEAT unit as well. I think we’re getting ahead of ourselves with another feel-good initiative that hasn’t been as thought out as it’s creators thought it was. But, it’s the flavor of the week right now, so it’s getting the attention. I need to consider the long-term and where it- and the tactical team- will be this time next year.

Anyway. I’ll be taking the new laptop with me to Forsyth, and if I can work out internet access, I’ll update occassionally.