Yet another new site

Last weekend, my previous web host, OC Hosting, unceremoniously blocked access to all my sites on because the version of the forum software I was using, phpBB, was out of date and had a security hole. Never mind that if their security is set up properly, someone hacking my site won’t affect the rest of the server. I looked at how hopelessly out of date it was and decided to just switch to another method of keeping this blog and the photo album. So, we’re now running WordPress for the blog- I didn’t feel I really needed a whole modded phpBB portal for just a blog- and Coppermine for the photo album. The photo album is linked to the blog; if you create an account on one, it’s created on the other. I also switched to Bluehost for hosting; I’ve been with OC for a few years, but their service and quality has been going downhill.

Anyway, all the pictures are up in the gallery and all the old blog entries transferred; still have to update photo descriptions and re-do the theme so everything matches.