Writing as a lost art

…at least for me.

My roommate recently started writing a novel of his own after reading some of my short stories, and it led me to re-read them after a long absence. Them, and the very much un-finished and un-polished novel I started, oh, 15 years ago. Ahem. I can still see running into the same problems I did then- not having enough time to stay in the world I created long enough to continue the same train of thought. But I find myself driven to try again.

My roommate also suggested trying to get the short stories published; although I’m not sure exactly where. Most of the submission guidelines stress “New and original treatments only!” How original is yet another werewolf story? Never mind that I don’t normally read books or magazines in this genre; so I’ve really no idea where to start.

The novel is currently hovering at 40,000 words, 181 pages.