2007- so long, sucker

And thus, we bid adieu to another year. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

I guess I can’t complain. ’07 wasn’t that bad for me. There were highly annoying boss issues, co-workers getting arrested issues, still being single at age 37 issues… but I’ve paid off my car and am in better financial shape than I’ve been for many a year. Still relatively healthy, if not in the best physical shape; better if I can quit the 11 year tobacco habit this year. All in all, not too bad. We got the best reception we’ve ever had for the annual banquet video this year… although I think that’s more a function of our audience having low expectations than anything else.

When I went home for Christmas, Dad gave each of the kids a copy of his will. Nothing sinister; my brother-in-law’s brother died recently and didn’t leave a will behind, and it’s caused quite a bit of trouble for their family. I think Dad’s trying to avoid that. One thing that did surprise me, though, was his request in the will to have his ashes scattered on the top of Blood Mountain. Not that this is such an unusual request, but… Blood Mountain has always been one of my favorite places; someplace that I’ve been drawn to since the first time I climbed it. What I didn’t know is that it meant that much to my Dad, as well.

Time to let 2008 wet his nappies.