Still lost, but coming back

See last post title. 43,400 words. The Novel (I’m starting to see it in capitals) started out as an ill-formed short story that grew. As a result, after re-reading what I have so far, I’m particularly happy with the last half; and cringing at the first. This will take some careful revision to make it flow correctly. I’m having to resist two urges: To re-edit what I’ve written over and over, so that I end up doing nothing but revising each time I sit down to write; and worrying too much about word count. I’m so paranoid that I won’t reach the magic “novel number”, 80,000+ words, that I become tempted to get too verbose. I need to let go of that idea and just write it like it should be written, and wherever the word count ends up, so be it.

I can also see the same old problems returning- not having enough time. As soon as I get comfortable with the world I’ve created, I’ve got to leave it to attend to such things as eating and attending my day job. I should probably schedule a “writing vacation”, but with my job, when would that be? There’s always too much to do. Speaking of which, it’s already past 11pm, and tomorrow’s Monday.