Warning, frustrated author!

I think I’ve wanted to be an author since I was 10. From the first, not well thought out, gore-horror-mystery story idea I traumatized my 3rd grade teacher with; through the sketches for a sci-fi novel; onto college and my early 20s and a lot angsty, edgy werewolf shorts; through to the always unfinished novel; I’ve always had ideas and sketches for stories. Buoyed by Heinlein and Asimov and Bradbury and Niven, I would write in spurts and drabs and dribbles.

For 30 years, never finishing anything to the point of attempting publication. I joined a “Thursday Prompt” writing group, and started to write again; and then real life intervened as it always does, and that fell off as well. At one point I removed all shorts I’d had published on my website, with the idea of packaging them and shopping publishers. I wasn’t sure if anyone would touch them if they were available for free on a website. Obviously, that never went anywhere; and, frankly, a lot of them weren’t saleable in any case.

But now, well… why not. Throw them back up and let them go.

(Really, this is just a warning that there’s frustrated author stories about to flood the ‘blog for the next little bit.)

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