Yeah, I suck.

Did I say two months down there? I meant three months, apparently. Don’t worry, I’ve been busy, not lazy.

Well, OK, mostly lazy. But there has been a lot going on. For one, I underestimated the amount of equity I had in the house… by quite a bit. I swallowed hard and got an equity line of credit. Foolish, in this day of defaulted sub-prime loans and collapsing mortgage industry? Not really. I avoided the traps that led to a lot of foreclosures. With the equity line, I’ve paid off all of my debt, including the car, except for the house itself; and owe less than the house is worth. My monthly payments are far less than they were before the debt consolidation, so there’s more paycheck left for savings. Why didn’t I think of this earlier?

Of course, I still have watch my spending habits, and avoid using credit for anything other than emergencies. Hard to do with a toy fetish like mine. Speaking of toys… with all the demands from work for video footage-banquet video, recruitment video- I’ve replaced the old Sony DV camcorder with a Sony V1U high-def camera. Far more camera than my current skill level merits, but I’m working on it. As a side effect, I can’t watch a movie these days without studying the framing, camera movements, color correction choices, etc. Don’t know if it’ll rub off on my production values, but it can’t hurt- at least until I get too cliche’d.

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