Let’s have a meeting about it.

Those of you in the business world probably already know this fact: Meetings are the world’s biggest productivity destroyers. I had one task in mind for today: Finish the lesson plan for the Defense Against Edged Weapons class I’m teaching in two weeks. That’s it. Doesn’t sound like much, but I’ve learned that if I set my sights too high, something will shoot them down in the first hour at work. And that’s about as much work as I got done: 1 hour. Then the meetings began. Let’s have a staff meeting. CID Sergeant’s meeting. Division meeting. Hey, meet with this body armor vendor and see what he’s got. Meet with me at 1:30. I had at one point driven back to my office and just sat down to get back to work on the lesson plan when my phone rang: Hey, there’s a meeting in ten minutes we forgot to tell you about, come back here. Needless to say, I didn’t get much real work done. There’s still tomorrow… if I don’t have a meeting.

Kublai has another vet appoitment Friday. His incontinence is still there, he’s developed diarrhea over the last day, drinking a lot of water, and now has a small growth on the end of the sheath of his penis; all of which point to bad things. I’m trying to keep him comfortable and happy.