Subtle changes

I’ve re-arranged, added, and uploaded several items in the photo gallery. I’ll also be updating versions on both the gallery and the ‘blog soon, should you notice some funkiness. I hate version updates.

And allow me to rant! I’m more than a little fucking tired of spam. Not just in my email, which my mail reader catches and trashes, (but damn! Come on! I got one that read “BARELY LEGAL HOT NYMPHO MATURE MOMS!” They’re not even trying to make sense any more) but also in the ‘blog comments. I moderate comments, which means I have to approve any before they show up, and plugins catch even more; but it’s still a pain in the ass. No one wants to buy your Cialis, Viagra, or Hoodia, so give it a rest. Of all the annoying marketing techniques, you chose this one. And when a spammer finally gets caught and rarely prosecuted, they have the nerve to whine about freedom of speech and the right to spam! Kiss my chocolate pucker, asshole. I’m sure that right is listed in the Bill of Rights right next to the one says it’s OK for me stomp your head so far down your neck that you’ll have to unzip your fly to stick out your tongue. It’s about as annoying as 12 minutes of commercials for 30 minutes of TV show.

But that’s a rant for another time.