Thursday Prompt: Frog

I have no idea how I came up with this from the writing prompt of “Frog”; but… there it is. I think I was working more on how to write dis-likeable characters.


“Stupid bitch.”

Jason kicked savagely at a fist-sized rock along the edge of the road as he spat out the words. The toe of his shoe hit the pavement before the rock, sending a shooting pain up his foot but only bouncing the rock off of the low brick wall that ran the length of the road. He grabbed his shin and sucked in a whistling breath, slowly settling his weight against the wall. He took a couple of deep breaths before gingerly setting his foot onto the ground again. “Fuckin’ great” he muttered, stretching his arms out against the top of the wall and leaning back.

His left hand brushed something cold and squishy, and he jerked it back quickly. A small, moss green frog hunched on the top of the wall, staring at him placidly through speckled gold eyes. Jason sighed, leaning back once again. He could feel the frog’s eyes on him and glanced sidelong at it. It remained immobile, its gaze unblinking and steady.

“The fuck you lookin’ at?” he asked the frog. It stayed motionless, as if carved from jade. Jason reached out a finger and stroked the top of the frog’s head. The pressure moved the frog lower by a fraction but it remained otherwise still. Its lack of reaction to Jason’s presence began to irritate him, and he flicked the frog on the end of it’s nose. The frog merely hunched further against the brick, still staring.

“Shouldn’t you be looking for a chick to kiss? Turn you back into a prince?” Jason asked before looking away. A lazy breeze rustling the leaves of a nearby tree was the only sound. He looked back at the frog. “Maybe you can kiss my ex-girlfriend. Bitch.”

The frog stared.

“Well, she is. Little whore gets herself knocked up, and expects me to stick around? Prolly ain’t even my kid. I told her she’d better be on the pill; ain’t my fault she gets pregnant.” He jammed his hands deep into his pockets and hunched forwards, looking away. “Besides, I’m too young to be stuck with a kid. I got places to be, things to do, you know? I’m supposed to be out buying diapers and shit?” He leaned sideways and brought his nose to within a foot of the frog, staring at the ebony oblong slits of its pupils. “She ain’t even a good fuckin’ lay, either. Just lays there. Might as well be fuckin’ a blow-up doll.”

The frog remained impassive.

“Fuck you too, then” Jason spat, and lurched to his feet. He turned and began to walk away when he heard a rumbling, croaked exclamation from the wall. He stopped and blinked- it almost sounded like a word, like-

He spun and examined the top of the wall, but the frog was gone; lost in the tall grass on the other side of the construction. He snorted and turned back. Stupid; it’s just a frog.

It sounded like “asshole”.

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